January 19, 2015

SOUTH AFRICA: caught world record size guitarfish

While shore fishing in  Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, angler Dean Reddy caught a giant guitarfish estimated to weigh 89 kilograms, or 195 pounds.

It’s a remarkable catch, considering that the world record for this species, according to the IGFA (International Game Fish Assn. - www.igfa.org), is a 119-pound specimen caught in back in 1995 in Seychelles.

What’s even more remarkable is that Reddy, prior to his latest catch, landed a giant guitarfish estimated to weigh 124 kilograms, or 275 pounds.

Reddy tags and release all of the guitarfish he catches, and is affiliated with the South Africa’s Oceanographic Research Institute.

He used a time-tested tape-measurement formula to attain an estimated weight before releasing his fishes.

Reddy  says the 273-pound giant guitarfish is recognized as the South African record, said he had never considered applying for an international world record.