December 14, 2012

SHARK TIGER - Galeocerdo cuvier -

Tiger shark is one of the biggest shark of the oceans; it lives worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, but has been found during the summer season as far north as Massachusetts in the western Atlantic and Iceland in the eastern Atlantic.

 Tiger shark is a hard fighting, highly rated game fish. Fishing methods include live bait fishing while chumming from boats or trolling. Whole or cut fish or scrap meat is effective. Many tiger sharks have been caught after attacking fish being played by anglers.

Tiger sharks usually grow to a length of 18.3 feet or  5,5 meters, however, assumably they may sometimes even grow to a size of more than 13 feet - 7 meters. Their maximum age can only be estimated, but they can definitely reach a minimum age of 13 years. It can grows well over 1600 pound - 720 kilo.

An huge tiger shark caught at Hammingways Fishing Centre in Kenya of 1554 pounds  -704 kilo on board "White Bear" by angler Peter Fox. 

Name:Shark Tiger
Latin Name:Galeocerdo cuvier
Distribution:All Oceans
Max weight:1870 lb / 850 kg
Max length22,5 ft / 7,5 mt
World Record:1780 lb / 807 kg South Carolina