January 18, 2015
AUSTRALIA: Monster tiger shark’s attack on dolphin
Along Australia coast near the town of Newcaste an estimated 3,700 lb or 1700 kg tiger shark attacked a doplhin close the shore.
At first the pod of dolphins looked like any other but closer inspection revealed a straggler with a terrible bite out of its back and a shark in close pursuit. The dolphins initially circled their injured mate but as the shark moved in and the injured animal grew weaker they scattered.
After a few slow, wide circles the huge tiger shark lunged, tearing another chunk of flesh from just above the dolphin’s tail.
The tiger hung back, seemingly waiting until the dolphin died before moving in to feed.
Tiger sharks are generally found further north but a strong East Australian Current has pushed warm water further south this season.
Asked if targeted culling would be considered for individual troublesome sharks such as the one off Newcastle, the Department of Primary Industries said it was a matter for police because it was a public safety issue.Police said they would generally only get involved if a shark attacked a human.
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